Health Tongue tells about disease

- Smooth tongue (abnormally smooth tongue)
Normally, a person’s tongue has a bumpy appearance because it has taste buds scattered all over. However, if the tongue starts to become abnormally smooth, or what is called a greasy tongue, it may mean that the body lacks iron, vitamin B12, or folic acid, causing inflammation until the taste buds die and peel off, leaving the tongue smooth. In addition, there may be a burning sensation on the tongue when eating acidic or salty foods.
Bright red tongue (resembling strawberry hair)
If your normally healthy tongue suddenly turns bright red for no reason, it could indicate a vitamin deficiency, particularly vitamin B12 and iron. These two minerals are important for your taste buds. But if you’re still experiencing these symptoms if you eat foods that contain these two minerals regularly, see your doctor, as these could be warning signs of an autoimmune disease.
- Black tongue or hair on the tongue
Even if your tongue is wet all the time, it doesn’t mean it can’t grow hairs. If your tongue is growing hairs, it could be a warning sign โปรโมชั่น ufabet of heart disease. Also, if your tongue turns black, it could be a sign of a fungal infection caused by an immune system disorder caused by certain diseases.
- Swollen tongue
If your tongue is enlarged or swollen for no apparent reason, you may have hypothyroidism, which is when your body can’t produce enough hormones, which slows down your metabolism and makes you feel tired.
Cracked tongue
If your tongue starts to crack without bleeding, don’t worry because this is a normal symptom of aging. You should pay more attention to your oral health because fungus or bacteria can grow in the cracks of your tongue. You should brush your teeth and tongue thoroughly.
- The tongue has a white coating.
It is a common issue that many people are often concerned about. The white spots on the tongue can be caused by many reasons, such as oral fungus. It often occurs in infants, the elderly, and people who have to use dental appliances, such as dentures or braces. It can be cured with medicine and mouthwash.